Barrier Breakers
Be Informed. Be Inspired. Be More. • The Greater Baltimore community is filled with inspiring stories of barrier breakers who want to change the status quo. Are you ready to be informed, be inspired, and be more? Join us as we unearth stories of inspiration, change, and a passion to do good -- and learn how you can help.
Barrier Breakers
Veterans Treatment Court - Leaving No Veteran Behind
Many men and women who fought for our country face another fight when they return home. Some have a hard time finding and keeping a job and a home, or experience mental health or substance use issues—which can lead to minor law offenses. The Veterans Treatment Court, supported by United Way, supports them on their journey to a stable civilian life and helps them avoid charges that can preclude their job and housing options. In this special episode of Barrier Breakers, we speak with program staff about how this program works, and with two veterans about how the Veterans Treatment Court changed their lives.